Thursday, May 23, 2019

Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company

Posted by Property Mortgage Insurance on Thursday, May 23, 2019 for you at Florida City, FL, USA

property mortgage insurance
alpha property and casualty insurance company
Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company. A foreign property and a casualty insurance, Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company are licensed to do business in the state of Florida. In 1979, Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company was first held as a Wisconsin domestic stock insurance company. Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company is a subsidiary wholly owned by Family Insurance Corporation.

History of Alpha Property and Casualty's Insurance Companies

Family Insurance Corporation, which is the parent company of Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company, is a health and life insurance company based in Wisconsin. Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company has a registered office located in Shawano, Wisconsin. But even though the recognized parent company of Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company is Family Insurance Corporation, its main parents are actually Wisconsin Finance Corporation or WFC.

alpha property and casualty insurance company
The parent company Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company was sold to United Savings of America in 1985. The merger with Heights Finance resulted in USA Financial Services, Inc.

Family Insurance Corporation sells Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company to USA Financial Services, Inc. on December 31, 1991. The sale of Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company was conducted to increase the coverage of Family and Alpha policies to various groups. Another company, Milwaukee Insurance Group, Inc. bought Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company on December 31, 1992.

With its absorption into the Milwaukee Insurance Group, Inc., Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company moved their headquarters to 803 West Michigan Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Then on October 2, 1995, Trinity Universal Insurance Company acquired 100% of the ordinary shares of Milwaukee Insurance Group, including shares of Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company.

On July 24, 2001, the sole owner of the Property and Casualty Insurance Company was the Universal Trinity Insurance Company when the Milwaukee Insurance Group was dissolved. In April of the same year, the Property Insurance and Life Insurance Company implemented a Public Service Agreement with Unitrin Direct Insurance Company. This agreement authorizes Unitrin to directly market the private passenger car business at Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company. Since then, Unitrin has been the lead author of the policy of Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company.

Unitrin conducts its main business in Florida and in Pennsylvania but Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company maintains its original office location in Milwaukee. For greater efficiency, the Property Insurance and Accident Insurance Company separates its business into four segments: Multi Lines Division, Specialty Lines Division, Unitrin Direct, and Career Agent Company.

Insurance Plans of Aplha Property and Casualty Insurance Company

The Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company has four major insurance plans that cover fraud, disaster, internal audit, and privacy. The Anti-Fraud Plan of the Property Insurance Company and Life Casualtys is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Insurance Department in Section 626.9891, Statue of Florida.

The Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance company also has a Disaster Recovery Plan designed for the use of Florida business owners. The Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Companies Disaster Recovery Plan store backup and storage of all important data off-site every day.

As a subsidiary of Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Unitrin Services Company has developed an Internal Audit Procedure to review Florida businesses. And for their Privacy Plan, the Alpha Property Insurance and Casualty Insurance Company has developed a plan that meets the requirements of Emergency Regulation 4ER-01.

Alpha Property and Casualty Insurance Company
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